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  1. Conceptualization of Environmental Education – article by Zdravka Kostova    Download

  2. Using Interactive Case Studies to Support Students’ Understandings of Local Environmental Problems – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Zlatka VAKLEVA, Elka VLADIMIROVA, Ruslanda KALEVA    Download NEW

  3. Development of Environmental Literacy by Interactive Didactic Strategies – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Elka VLADIMIROVA    Download NEW

  4. Comparative Assessment and Self-Assessment of Students' Environmental Knowledge in Bulgaria and Turkey – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Emin ATASOY    Download NEW

  5. Comparative Evaluation of the Environmental Culture of 8th Grade Students in Bulgaria and Turkey – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Emin ATASOY    Download NEW

  6. Word Association Test for Studying Conceptual Structures of Teachers and Students – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Blagovesta RADOYNOVSKA    Download NEW

  7. Motivating Students’ Learning Using Word Association Test and Concept Maps – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Blagovesta RADOYNOVSKA    Download NEW

  8. The Environmental Concern of Nine-Grade Students from a Secondary Professional School – article by Zdravka KOSTOVA, Elka VLADIMIROVA, Blagovesta RADOYNOVSKA    Download NEW

  For articles in Bulgarian language, please click Bulgarian flag above.

Last update
02 December 2017

Life is worth more than its meaning.
I was able to see far ahead because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to discover it within himself.
Galileo Galilei

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