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Professional biography (curriculum vitae)

I. General information

Names: Zdravka Blagoeva Kostova
Date of birth: 28th of July, 1938
Nationality: Republic of Bulgaria
Scientific position: DSc. Assoc. Prof. PhD 


1962 – graduation from the universitySofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Faculty of Biology, Specialty of Biology, Qualification: biologist-physiologist-plant biochemist and a lecturer of natural sciences, fundamentals of agriculture and chemistry. Master of Science (M. Sci.) in Microbiology.
Aug 1965 – Aug 1966Postgraduate studies: England – London and Sheffield. Scientific problem: "New methods of biology teaching: Nuffield Biology - England and BSCS - USA" under the scientific guidance of B.Sc. A. Clegg and others and "Certificate of proficiency in English" University of Cambridge, 1966 г.
22 Apr 1978Ph. Dr. Investigated problem: "Scientific approach to general biology teaching", Moscow, Russia, Russian Academy of Education. (After four years of studies at the Research Institute of contents and methods of Education under the scientific guidance of academician Ivan Dmitrievich Zverev).
Aug 1987
(20 days)
Specialization, Moscow, Russia. Scientific problem “Contents of Environmental Education". Approved a project for a big Doctorate in pedagogical sciences. Participation with a report in the UNESCO conference on EE and Training “Tbilisi + 10”.
June 1994
(15 days)
Tempus specialization at the University of Bremen, Germany. Scientific problem: "Environmental and Biological Education in Germany” under the scientific guidance of Prof. H. Entrich.
14 May 2004DSc. Award a doctorate to science: “Conceptualization of Environmental Education”

 Professional experience:

14 May 2005DSc. Assoc. Prof. PhD in Didactics of Biology at the Department of Information and Life-long Education of Teachers at Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”
25 Feb 1994 and so farAssociate Prof. in Didactics of Biology at the Department of Information and in-service teacher training (life-long education) at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Member of the Editorial Board.
Sep 1992 – Feb 1994Teacher of Biology in English at the Second English Language School in Sofia.
29 Dec 1983Scientific Diploma: Senior researcher in Didactics of Biology, Ecology and Nature Conservation.
1983 – 1992Research Institute of Education at the Ministry of Education and Science: Senior researcher
1972 – 1983Junior researcher – III, II and I degree at the Research Institute of Education at the Ministry of Education and Science
1971 – 1972Biologist at the Scientific research centre at the Faculty of Biology at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
1966 – 1971Teaching Biology in English at the English Language Schools in the town of Rousse and Sofia.
1962 – 1966Biology teacher
Scientific interests. Area of scientific competencyDidactics of Biology, Ecology and nature conservation. Contents and methods of Biology Teaching. Innovations in Biology Teaching – interactive teaching, new dimensions of Learning. Environmental and Health Education. Measurements and evaluation of students` achievements – assessment. Educational standards and types of achievement tests.

 Projects (international and national):

1 Sep 2004
up to now
Member of a team developing the scientific problem: “Integrated project based education in a virtual environment” – ICT in integrated learning of school subjects.
30 May – 4 Jun;
31 Oct – 4 Nov 2000;
2000 – 2005
Member of an international team on the development of life-skills in students at the secondary school level. Working seminars in Bratislava under the guidance of researchers from London Educational Institute. Organizing courses for in-service teacher training: “Development of skills in students to avoid or overcome risky situations”
1997 - 1998Member of a scientific team, developing the GEF project “Environmental Education in the National parks of Bulgaria”.
1997 – 1998Member of an international scientific team – representative of Bulgaria, investigating science education at the secondary school level. Leader of the team Prof. W. Stawinski from Poland.
1994 – 1995Member of a scientific team, developing a national project on Health Education at the secondary school level.
1993Member of an international scientific team – representative of Bulgaria, investigating the contents of science education in the national curricula and textbooks at the secondary school level under the guidance of UNESCO and IOSTE.
1977 – 1992Leader of a scientific team for the development of national projects on Environmental Education. Member of an international scientific team – representative of Bulgaria, on Environmental Education. Leader of the international research teams: academician I. D. Zverev from the Russian Academy of Education (Eastern countries) and Chris Maas Geesteranus from Holland (West European countries).
1972 – 1976Member of a national scientific team on Environmental Education


1 – 3 Jul 2005
Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
International conference: “Life-long Learning in the Balkans. A Historical Content and Current Trends”. Power point presentation of the achievements of a scientific team: “Projects in Life-long Education of Teachers”
27 May 2005
Sofia, Bulgaria
National Conference on Education for Sustainable Development in Bulgaria (ESD), organized by the Bulgarian NGO “Borrowed Nature”. Participation in the development and presentation of a team paper: “Program for Support of the Education for Sustainable Development in Bulgaria” and in the discussions.
19 – 21 May 2005
Bourgas, Bulgaria
Second National Conference: “Biological Education and the challenges of the 21st Century”. Presentation of a report: “Development of Life-skills in students in the course of Biology teaching”
2 – 3 Apr 2005
Sofia, Bulgaria
National conference, organized from the Bulgarian association of Reading: “Active Learning and Critical Thinking”. Power point presentation of a report, prepared by a research team: “Critical Thinking and Learning through Simulations”
Oct 2002 – MON and The Centre of Teachers in the district of Gorna Oryahoviza, BulgariaNational conference on Health Education. Presentation of a scientific report: “Our health as a function of our style of life”.
25 Feb – 11 Mar 2002, International Pedagogical Centre “Artek”International pedagogical Centre in Artek, Krim, Ukraine. Presentation of two reports: “Reform of the Bulgarian Educational System” and “Innovations in Education”. Member of the International Jury.
26 Sep 2001Opening seminar for the Development of an International Project on Environmental Education. Presentation of a report: "Interactive methods of development of ecological consciousness and Behavior” and helping teachers in the practical application of EE in the preparation of biology lessons.
10 – 15 Sep 2000, University of Szczetchin, PolandInternational conference on Environmental Education. Presentation of a report: "Interactive Methods of teaching global Environmental Problems”.
Aug 1997, University of "Maria Sclodovska-Curie”, Lublin, PolandInternational Conference on Science Education. Presentation of a plenary report and chairing of a plenary session.
1972 – 1998Presentation of reports in international and national conferences and seminars on the problems of biological and environmental education in Slovakia, Holland, Germany, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Check Republic, Lithuania, Norway. Scientific leader of two International symposia on environmental education – 1981 in Vratsa and 1988 in Sofia.

 Some publications:

  1. Kostova, Z. (2005) Bibliography. V. Turnovo, Faber. Annotated bibliography of all publications (373) from 1970 to 2004 including, 304 p. with references.
  2. Kostova, Z. (2004) Conceptualization of Environmental Education. 2nd part (pedagogical practices). V. Tournovo, Faber, 155 p. (a book)
  3. Kostova, Z. (2003) Conceptualization of Environmental Education. 1st part. V. Tournovo, Faber, 256 p. with acknowledgements
  4. Kostova, Z. (2002) Conceptualization of Environmental Education. Doctorate thesis for the scientific degree “Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences”, SSC (Specialized Science Council on Pedagogics) at the Bulgarian Highest Testimonial Scientific Committee. 70 p.
  5. Kostova, Z. (1998, 2000) How to Teach and Learn Successfully. Innovations in teaching. S., Pedagog 6, 160 p., (a book).
  6. Kostova, Z. (2000) How to Develop a Positive Attitude to Learning. Innovations in teaching. S., Pedagog 6, 159 p., (a book).
  7. Kostova, Z. (2000) Biology. A program and experimented teaching papers of formal and informal environmental education. S., "АBC-teh" ООD, 187 р. (a book).
  8. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology and Heallth Education. 9th grade. S., Anubis, 2001 (a textbook for the secondary school).
  9. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology and Health Education. 10th grade. S., Anubis, 2001 (a textbook for the secondary school).
  10. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology and Health Education. A biology teachers` guide for the 9th and 10th grade. S., Anubis, 2001
  11. Kostova, Z. and V. Ishev. Health Education. S., Prosveta, 2000 (students` textbook).
  12. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology. 8. grade. S., Anubis, 2000 (a textbook for the secondary school – in Bulgarian).
  13. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology. 9th class. Sofia, Anubis, 2000 (textbook – in English).
  14. Kostova, Z. and others. A Teachers` Guide. 8th grade. S., Anubis, 1999.
  15. Kostova, Z. A Teachers` guide. 10th grade. S., Prosveta, 1995.
  16. Kostova, Z. and others. Tests. Biology. 8th grade. S., Anubis, 2000.
  17. Kostova, Z. and others. Biology and Health Education. 9th grade. S., Anubis, 2002 (a notebook with tests and exercises).
  18. Kostova, Z. and others. Development of Environmental Consciousness in students. S., Narodna Prosveta, 1988, 185 р. (a book).
  19. Kostova, Z.. Environmental Education in the Secondary School. S. Narodna Prosveta, 1985, 166 р. (a book).
  20. Kostova, Z. A Model of Environmental Education in the Secondary school. S., МNP, NIIO, 1987 (a book).
  21. Kostova, Z. and St. Vlahov. Microorganisms and Ecology. S., Nauka I izkustvo, 1986 (a book).
  22. Kostova, Z. Scientific approach to Biology teaching. S., Narodna Prosveta, 1980, 66 р. (a book).
  23. Kostova, Z.. Scientific approach to embryology in out of class studies of students. In: "For a higher effectiveness of biology teaching”, S., Narodna prosveta, 1973, 72 р.
  24. Kostova, Z. and others. A Dictionary of ecology and Nature Conservation. S., Partizdat, 1984 (1800 terms).
  25. Kostova, Z., V. Bozarov et all. Didactics of Biology (ed. and author), S., Narodna Prosveta, 1984.
  26. Kostova, Z. and А. Kurtev. Biological roots of Behavior. S., Narodna Prosveta, 1983.
  27. Kostova, Z. and others. A System of environmental Education, up-bringing and culture in nursery, secondary schools and universities. S., MNP, 1989 (A strategy).
  28. Kostova, Z. Wissenschaftlicher Stil und Lesbarkeit der Lehrbucher in Fach Biologie. Im. Sprache und Ferstehen im Biologieunterricht. Leuchtturm-Verlag, 1992 (article).

Note: The overall publications of DSc Z. Kostova are about 380: 60 articles abroad, 8 books, 32 books with co-writers, 13 papers in collections of Scientific papers, 160 scientific articles in magazines, 24 textbooks for students, 4 workbooks, 6 teachers guides, 20 collections of tests., more than 80 popular science articles.

 II. Other important information

  • Every school year from 1994 to 2005, as a lecturer in DIUU at Sofia University Dsc Zdravka Kostova gives 900 hours of lectures. During 2003/2004 school year 273 teachers participated in the modular programs for biology teachers and 34 of them finished with Diplomas for a higher post-graduate degree
  • Author and co-author of school curricular in biology, ecology, nature conservation and health education for formal and non-formal education.
  • Reviewer of Doctors` theses, scientific papers, curricula, textbooks, books, articles
  • Scientific adviser of researchers
  • Member and president of editorial boards
  • Member of the Specialized Scientific Board for evaluation of doctors` theses
  • Scientific adviser of M.Sc. theses, consultant of teachers in post-graduate studies and in life-long education, lecturer in Biological and Pedagogical Departments of Sofia University, in Southwest University of Blagoevgrad, Pedagogical faculty of Silistra, University of Shumen)
  • Cited in more than 100 publications mainly in Bulgaria and some abroad

Foreign Languages:

  • English – speaking and writing
  • Russian – speaking and writing
  • French – with a dictionary
  • German – with a dictionary


  • Union of Bulgarian Scientists
  • Union of Bulgarian Biologists


Last update
02 December 2017

Life is worth more than its meaning.
I was able to see far ahead because I was standing on the shoulders of giants.
Isaac Newton
You cannot teach a man anything, you can only help him to discover it within himself.
Galileo Galilei

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